For the Yamal skaters wait in the European championship and the University game

For the Yamal skaters wait in the European championship and the University game
Four best Yamal shorts-trekista will support Russian national team on the largest starts of a winter season-2011 – continental superiority and the World university game.

As have informed in the Union of skaters of Russia, on the European championship which will pass on January, 14-16th in Dutch Herenvene, will go Simeon Elistratov and Olga Beljakova. Both will act in all-round. Experts prophesy yamalpeoples success – in the championship of Russia which has come to the end on December, 23rd, 2010 in Kolomna, they were in the lead in this kind of the program. Besides, in December S.Elistratov has won a sensational victory at a World Cup stage in China, writes "Uralinformbjuro".

On a February University game in Erzurum (Turkey) will go новоуренгойцы Pavel Rybakov and Ilsijar Sharafutdinova.

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