Copyists will go to yamalpeoples by helicopters

Copyists will go to yamalpeoples by helicopters
In Tazovsky area preparation for large-scale event — the All-Russia population census of 2010 proceeds.

According to the head of department of summary statistical works YAMALstat of Tatyana Antonovoj, it is necessary to interrogate over 17 thousand persons, among which nomadic population more than 5 thousand persons.

«For today the organizational plan is constituted, the area territory is divided into enumeration districts — their fifty, calculation of requirement in time workers is carried out and the plan of their training is constituted, check of an address economy» is led — Tatyana Antonova marks.

It is planned that during population census in area 12 instructors-inspectors and 50 copyists will work. copyists will go to residing hard-to-reach spots by helicopters. Airline which will work during census, the auctions will specify.

All information collected during census, will be flown down on the sites which places are already specified. In Gas-fat, Antipajute, the Find and Gyde the sites completed with furniture, office equipment and communication, settle down in buildings of local administrations, and in Tazovsky — in a building of the Youth center.

Let's remind that the All-Russia population census starts on October, 14th and to be extended to 25 numbers. In April of this year in area have ahead of schedule copied more than thousand persons — inhabitants of Antipajutinsky tundra, — the press-service of administration of Tazovsky area reports.

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