To the All-Russia population census

In the city of Labytnangi preparation for the All-Russia population census proceeds. Representatives on census generate the preliminary list of copyists. It is planned to involve 110 persons. Interviews with the citizens who have expressed desire to participate in census, have begun current month.

As it was informed earlier, in a priority order jobless townspeople will be involved in this activity. The centre of employment of the population dispatches 75 offers on possibility will found a job on this temporary job. Candidates should be mobile, sociable, with potential to training. It is necessary to notice that for participation in public works citizens from among the unemployed, besides wages, will receive additional material support from the Center of employment of the population in limits from 1 thousand 275 roubles to 2 thousand 550 roubles.

In the near future the next audit of an address economy will be spent. Notices and licence plates — on those houses where they are not present. The operating companies and TSJ should spend work with inhabitants of apartment houses: numbering of apartments — the same necessity.

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