Sport school Ahatovoj work on Yamal because of state of emergency will be suspended

Sport school Ahatovoj work on Yamal because of state of emergency will be suspended
The union of biathlonists of Russia creates the special commission for investigation of state of emergency in Izhevsk. Commission should study circumstances of the tragical incident which has occurred on July, 15th in Izhevsk. The pupil of school of a name of Tatyana Ahatovoj (Labytnangi, Yamal-Nenets autonomous region) has shot at the companion when both sportsmen were in a hotel room on base the centre of Demidov (city of Izhevsk). Wounded biathlonist Ilja Istomin has died in the morning on Friday.

As have informed NewsProm.Ru in press-service SBR, according to the order, till August, 1st the commission should make investigation of incident and present to president СБР results.

«A situation very uneasy. First of all, to us it is not clear, why cartridges at fifteen-year guys have appeared to an exit on a shooting range. According to regulations of delivery and weapon reception, the child can receive cartridges only in the presence of the responsible person, in this case — the trainer. What exactly has occurred in that situation — the negligence it was or accident — we now should understand very well», — the chief executive of the Union of biathlonists Sergey Kushchenko has told.

«We have sent the letter to a management of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region with the request to suspend sport school activity while commission SBR works. Proceeding from commission conclusions we will take measures, but the order to regional federations already is now ready so that they have rechecked all objects and sport schools about observance of safety rules», — he has underlined.

SBR presents condolences to a family and relatives Ili Istomin.

«The union of biathlonists of Russia presents condolences to a family and relatives of tragically lost young biathlonist Ili Istomin. We sincerely divide the huge grief which has comprehended you. Ilja Istomin, the pupil schools of the city of Labytnangi, has died on July, 15th in one of hospitals of Izhevsk as a result of a bullet wound received under obscure circumstances in hotel where sportsmen lived. SBR it is ready to render to a family of the victim all necessary help», — it is told in message SBR.

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