Nadym doctors will go to tundra to put to children of test of Mantu

In Nadym area the target program on development фтизиатрической services is developed. In 2009 sharp growth of registration of an active tuberculosis among indigenous population and teenagers has been noted.

As informs "Uralinformbjuro", problems and ways of their decision have been considered at session of the interdepartmental commission concerning public health services. Tubercular branch available in Nadym today not in a condition to render to patients a necessary spectrum of services, sharply there is a question and with building tubercular a clinic.

For situation improvement in area work фтизиатрической services becomes more active, teamwork of doctors and militia for search and hospitalisation of persons with the open form of a tuberculosis is organised.

Besides, the acquisition question in I quarter of current year portable photoroentgenography for villages Nori and Kutopjugan is solved. In March-April, 2010 to tundra it is planned to direct brigades of medical assistants which will spend to children of test of Mantu.

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