Experts undertook «difficult youth»
From January, 31st till February, 4th, 2010 in Noyabrsk will pass a district seminar within the limits of project realisation «the Youth social network». The Canadian experts who will work in region under the program of development of North NORDEP will take part In it. Foreign experts will acquaint the Yamal colleagues with an operational experience in the field of counteraction to violence and informal youth communities.
The Canadian experts – Mark Holmes, the co-ordinator of service of a family from Ottawa; Lynn Orek-Vener, the lecturer of school of social work at Karletonsky university and David Taylor, the adviser for youth programs, – will present the operational experience which has been saved up in their country. Themes of lectures will be counteraction to violence and work with informal youth communities. Also they will stop on questions of socialisation of not enough adapted youth, will tell about a role волонтерства in youth subculture and about in what ways of the teacher, social workers and other experts can involve youth in work of informal youth communities.
The Canadian experts – Mark Holmes, the co-ordinator of service of a family from Ottawa; Lynn Orek-Vener, the lecturer of school of social work at Karletonsky university and David Taylor, the adviser for youth programs, – will present the operational experience which has been saved up in their country. Themes of lectures will be counteraction to violence and work with informal youth communities. Also they will stop on questions of socialisation of not enough adapted youth, will tell about a role волонтерства in youth subculture and about in what ways of the teacher, social workers and other experts can involve youth in work of informal youth communities.
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