In capital JANAO will make recalculation for heat

In capital JANAO will make recalculation for heat
All additional charges which have made the operating companies on given in last year to inhabitants of Salekhard heat, are cancelled. Money which Salekhards have overpaid on January receipt, will be counted and considered in following payments for services жилкомхоза. It declared the head of administration of Salekhard Jury Link at session of an anti-recessionary staff.

He considers that heads of the operating companies have obviously exceeded the powers. «Such actions should be carried out under the order of a city administration or in coordination with it. It it has not been made», – he has noted at staff session.

The mayor has informed that the complex of actions which will allow to define more precisely specifications on consumption of heat and other utilities is already planned. It is a question, including, and about installation of counters consumed теплоэнергии and waters in wooden multiroom buildings of different degree of deterioration. Means are for this purpose allocated from a city budget.

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