In Tarko-fat the meeting behind «a round table» has taken place
In Tarko-fat the meeting behind «a round table» has taken place  In istoriko-museum of local lore of a city Tarko-fat the conference devoted to the 20 anniversary of formation of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia has taken place. Employees GU «on YANAO» and veterans of Purovsky garrison of fire protection have told 11 PCH FPS to cadets, their parents and heads DYUP that an overall objective of the rescuer - to be always the first and claimed in any emergency situations.
На Ямале в результате ДТП погибли три человека
На Ямале в результате ДТП погибли три человекаВ Ямало-Ненецком автономном округе в результате ДТП на трассе «Сургут – Салехард» погибли три человека.
Трагедия произошла вечером 27 декабря около 18 часов 40 минут на 472 км автодороги Салехард-Сургут. Автомобиль «БМВ-520» ехал со стороны города Губкинский в сторону поселка Пурпе. грузовик Freightliner с полуприцепом, сворачивая с главной дороги на второстепенную, остановился так, что часть полуприцепа осталась на основной магистрали.
On Yamal as a result of road accident three persons were lost
On Yamal as a result of road accident three persons were lostIn Yamal-Nenets autonomous region as a result of road accident on a line «Surgut – Salekhard» three persons were lost.
As have informed "UralPolit.Ru", the tragedy has occurred in the evening on December, 27th about 18 hours of 40 minutes on 472 km of a highway Salekhard-Surgut. Car "BMW-520" went from a city Gubkinsky towards settlement Purpe. Truck Freightliner with the semitrailer, turning off from the main road on minor, has stopped so that the semitrailer part remained on the basic highway.
За одни сутки на Ямале произошло 5 пожаров
За одни сутки на Ямале произошло 5 пожаровНа Ямале за минувшие сутки зарегистрировано 5 пожаров, 3 из них — в жилом секторе. Пострадавших нет. В дорожно-транспортных происшествиях погибло 3 человека.
По информации пресс-службы главного управления МЧС России по Ямало-Ненецкому автономному округу, 27 декабря пожарные Ямальского района спасли трехэтажный жилой дом и материальных ценностей на сумму 100 миллионов рублей.
For one days on Yamal there were 5 fires
For one days on Yamal there were 5 firesOn Yamal for the past days 5 fires, 3 of them — in inhabited sector are registered. Victims aren't present. In road and transport incidents 3 persons were lost.
According to the press-service of central administrative board of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia on Yamal-Nenets autonomous region, on December, 27th firemen of the Yamal area have rescued a three-storyed apartment house and material assets for the sum of 100 million roubles.
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