On March, 3rd deputies will consider a nominee of Kobylkina on a post of the governor
On March, 3rd deputies will consider a nominee of Kobylkina on a post of the governorThe chairman of Legislative Assembly of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region Sergey Harjuchi has signed the order about appointment to March, 3rd of an emergency meeting of Legislative Assembly of Yamal on which the question on investment with powers of the governor of district of Dmitry Nikolaevicha Kobylkina will be considered.
«We keep within the terms taken away by the law — from the date of receipt of the offer from the President we should make the decision after 10 days. Preliminary the question will be considered at all sessions of profile committees and fraction session« UNIFORM Russia »and, obviously, everyone will state the point of view, — Sergey Harjuchi has commented on the decision.
По Ямалу проедет молодежный агитдесант
По Ямалу проедет молодежный агитдесантС 24 февраля по 7 марта по городам и районам Ямала проедет молодежный общественно-политический агитдесант «Присоединяйся!». Участники агитдесанта ставят перед собой две масштабные задачи: сформировать у молодежи навыки участия в избирательном процессе, а также провести информационно-разъяснительную работу по вопросам трудовой занятости молодёжи.
Across Yamal the youth propagandist will pass
Across Yamal the youth propagandist will passFrom February, 24th till March, 7th on cities and areas of Yamal the youth political propagandist «will pass Join!». Participants propagandist put before themselves two major problems: to generate at youth skills of participation in selective process, and also to spend information-explanatory work concerning labour employment of youth.
Медики осуждены за продажу больничных листов
Медики осуждены за продажу больничных листовНа Ямале к условному сроку приговорены врач и медсестра за торговлю больничными листами.
Следствием доказано, что врач-эндокринолог поликлиники муравленковской горбольницы Елена Терехова и медсестра Любовь Ильдеткина в ноябре 2008 года за 5 тысяч рублей внесли в медкарточку пациентки запись с фиктивным диагнозом и оформили «клиенту» листок нетрудоспособности на 5 дней.
Physicians are condemned for sale of sick-lists
Physicians are condemned for sale of sick-listsOn Yamal the doctor and the nurse are sentenced to conditional term for trade in sick-lists.
By consequence it is proved that the doctor-endokrinolog of polyclinic Muravlenkovsk city hospitals Elena Terekhov and nurse Ljubov Ildetkina in November, 2008 for 5 thousand roubles have brought in a medical card of the patient record with the fictitious diagnosis and have issued to "client" an invalidity leaf for 5 days.
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