Helicopter Mi-8 which was carrying out commercial flight

Helicopter Mi-8 which was carrying out commercial flight
Aviation incident has occurred on January, 18th nearby 10.00 to helicopter Mi-8 which was carrying out commercial flight on a route platform GPA (area of Nadym) — an airfield Bear.

At the approach to an airfield Bear at helicopter Mi-8 turns the right engine to a mode «Small gas» have spontaneously decreased. After performance of the right turn and an exit on a landing straight line engine turns were spontaneously restored to the set mode then the helicopter has safely made landing.

Onboard the helicopter passengers and cargo were absent, the crew in number of 3 persons hasn't suffered. The aircraft of damages also has no.

The Tyumen inter-regional management of air transport of Federal agency of air transport is engaged in investigation of the given incident.

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