In departments of Yamal new technologies take root.

In departments of Yamal new technologies take root.
Already in the beginning of October of current year experts of department of the state order and trade of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region will start to work with use «the Analytical system "Seldon" given by Agency of the economic information «AGIA» within the limits of the contract, concluded with department.

According to the director of department Konstantin Kabanova, the software product, which delivery provides Agency of the economic information, unites data on the state and corporate purchases in territory of Russia with possibility operatively to trace and analyze the arriving information on the auctions.

- Thanks to system "Seldon" we will have a possibility more operatively to carry out monitoring of the prices for the food and nonfood goods planned for purchase for needs. Besides, the system allows to define unfair participants of competitive procedures at a stage of giving of application documents, - the head of department hasn'ted.

As Konstantin Kabanov has explained, the state order and trade YANAO department and Agency of the economic information plan to carry out joint monitoring of information support of placing of orders for the state and municipal needs. Besides, joint activity will promote realization of innovative decisions in the field of information systems of electronic commerce and trade, the organization of the joint actions directed on preventive maintenance and prevention of corruption risks in sphere of electronic trade.

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