Teenagers of Labytnangi will earn on 13 thousand roubles

In Labytnangi started a summer labour season for teenagers.

As the city administration press-service informs, this year for employment of minors 68 workplaces are created. Children work at schools, hospital, culture establishments, the enterprises of a housing-and-municipal complex.

Kinds of works not difficult, but very necessary. This accomplishment of territories adjoining to establishments, small repair, restoration of book fund and scenic scenery, the help by preparation for carrying out of mass actions, performance of express commissions, activity as younger attendants of hospital and other works.

At employment children from incomplete and large families used traditionally right of priority. Have not forgotten to direct to a peace channel energy of the "difficult" teenagers consisting on the account of the Commission on affairs of minors and protection of their rights. It is necessary to notice that every year this direction of summer improving campaign becomes more and more popular among teenagers. And this year demand is more than offers.

On the average the wages for month at teenagers make an order of 13 thousand roubles. The most part of means for a payment of children is allocated from the city budget.

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