Открыть прием заявок на участие в конкурсе инновационных проектов.
От предпринимателей, инноваторов и изобретателей ямальские власти ждут интересных предложений в самых разных сферах. Конкурс проводится в одиннадцати номинациях. На рассмотрение принимаются проекты в области образования, здравоохранения, улучшения быта коренного населения и повышения качества жизни лиц с ограниченными возможностями, в транспорте и дорожном строительстве, энергосбережении и жилищно-коммунальном комплексе, жилищном малоэтажном строительстве в условиях Крайнего Севера, агропромышленном комплексе, включая пищевую и легкую промышленность, нефтедобыче и использовании попутного нефтяного газа.

To open demands acceptance for participation in competition of innovative projects.
From businessmen, inventors the Yamal authorities wait for interesting offers in the most different spheres. Competition is spent in eleven nominations. On consideration projects in the sphere of education, public health services, improvement of a life of indigenous population and improvement of quality of life of persons with the limited possibilities, in transport and road building, the power savings and a housing-and-municipal complex, housing low building in the conditions of the Far North, agriculture, including food and light industry, oil extracting and use of passing oil gas are approved.
Main objective which organizers of competition pursue, this revealing of scientific and technical potential of the Arctic region, and also creation of information bank of innovative projects for possible introduction in district economy.
«Our primary goal to raise a role of a science and innovations in the decision economic, industrial, housing-and-municipal and socially - cultural questions that all problems in region dared with use of new knowledge, technologies and experience», - the director of department Gennady Detter makes comments.

Main objective which organizers of competition pursue, this revealing of scientific and technical potential of the Arctic region, and also creation of information bank of innovative projects for possible introduction in district economy.
«Our primary goal to raise a role of a science and innovations in the decision economic, industrial, housing-and-municipal and socially - cultural questions that all problems in region dared with use of new knowledge, technologies and experience», - the director of department Gennady Detter makes comments.
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