In Labytnangah have opened memory Avenue
In the city of Labytnangi there will be a new avenue. Deputies of the Municipal duma the decision on assignment to it of the name is accepted: «Avenue of memory of participants of military conflicts».
The background of acceptance of this important decision is that: to the chairman of the Municipal duma Nikolay Pivovarovu the initiative group from among pupils and workers of Labytnangsky professional school with the petition for assignment to the avenue located at a building of educational institution, a name of one of its graduates — Oleg Krjachkova has addressed. Together with the colleagues it resisted to gangster formations in the Chechen Republic and heroically was lost in one of fights.
Дети Ямала получили подарки от Губернатора округа.
Все дети с ограниченными физическими возможностями ямальских городов и поселков получили сладкие подарки от Губернатора автономного округа. Символ Нового 2011 года – Кролик-конфетница, наполненный шоколадными конфетами лучших отечественных производителей, был вручен каждому ребенку на праздничных мероприятиях – муниципальных ёлках. В каждом подарке лежала открытка от главы региона. Дмитрий Кобылкин поздравил юных земляков с наступающим праздником и пожелал, чтобы он принёс много радости и исполнение желаний.
Children of Yamal have received gifts from the Governor of district.
All children with the limited physical possibilities of the Yamal cities and settlements have received sweet gifts from the Governor of autonomous region. The symbol of New 2011 – a Rabbit-konfetnitsa filled with chocolates of the best home producers, has been handed over each child on celebratory actions – municipal fur-trees. In each gift the card from the head of region lay. Dmitry Kobylkin has congratulated young fellow countrymen on a coming holiday and has wished, that it has brought a lot of pleasure and execution of desires. «Let these New Year's days will be lit up by your light smile, a sparkling of fires, will be full of magic and adventures!», - the Governor of Yamal has underlined.
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