The president россии has congratulated yamalpeoples on an anniversary of district.
In the congratulatory telegram of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev it is told:
«Dear friends!
I congratulate you on the 80 anniversary from the date of formation of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region.
Today it is the center largest in Russia on extraction of the natural gas, possessing powerful industrial and a mental potential, a modern social and economic infrastructure.

«Dear friends!
I congratulate you on the 80 anniversary from the date of formation of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region.
Today it is the center largest in Russia on extraction of the natural gas, possessing powerful industrial and a mental potential, a modern social and economic infrastructure.
Мэр москвы Сергей Собянин направил поздравительную телеграмму ямальцам.
С 80-летием со дня образования Ямала жителей автономного округа поздравил мэр Москвы Сергей Собянин. «Ямало-Ненецкий автономный округ – один из самых динамично развивающихся регионов России. Здесь осуществляются масштабные проекты в нефтегазовой сфере, способствующие укреплению топливно-энергетического комплекса и экономики нашей страны. Самоотверженная работа жителей Ямала является примером трудовых свершений и достижений во имя Отчизны.

The mayor of moscow sergey собянин has directed congratulatory telegram yamalpeoples.
On the 80 anniversary from the date of formation of Yamal inhabitants of autonomous region were congratulated by the mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobjanin. «Yamal-Nenets autonomous region – one of the most dynamically developing regions of Russia. Here scale projects in the oil and gas sphere, promoting strengthening of a fuel and energy complex and economy of our country are carried out. Self-denying work of inhabitants of Yamal is an example labor fulfillments and achievements for the sake of Fatherland.

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