На Ямале готовят Единый туристский паспорт региона
На Ямале готовят Единый туристский паспорт регионаЯмал примет участие во Всероссийском форуме инновационных туристских проектов. Мероприятие пройдет двадцать второго сентября в Москве при поддержке Совета Федерации Федерального Собрания РФ, Госдумы и Правительства России.
Первый заместитель директора департамента по туризму ЯНАО Степан Демиденко считает, что форум станет «эффективной площадкой для диалога федерального центра и регионов, обмена опытом в сохранении культурно-исторического наследия страны, разработки действенных механизмов в деле продвижения инновационных технологий развития туризма».
On Yamal prepare the Uniform tourist passport of region
On Yamal prepare the Uniform tourist passport of region Yamal will take part in the All-Russia forum of innovative tourist projects. Action will pass on twenty second of September in Moscow with support of the Federation Council of Federal Meeting of the Russian Federation, the State Duma and the Government of Russia.
The first deputy of the director of department on tourism YANAO Stepan Demidenko considers that the forum becomes «an effective platform for dialogue of the federal center and regions, an exchange of experience in preservation of a cultural-historical heritage of the country, working out of effective mechanisms in business of advancement of innovative technologies of development of tourism».
In Labytnangah the project National control is realized!
At session of political council of local branch of party «United Russia« the working group on realization of the party project «National Control» is defined. The project purpose — protection of the rights of consumers and maintenance of balance of interests in a chain "manufacturer-seller-consumer". And among problems — control over a rise in prices for articles of food, a meaningful dialogue establishment between party and public organizations, business associations for achievement of socially focused prices. The basic mechanism of realization of the project «National Control» is обще¬ственный monitoring of the prices for the socially-significant goods. Creation of conditions for pricing stabilization on the socially-significant goods should become result of realization of the project; formation of uniform system of the quality standards; balance of interests, increase of efficiency of interaction of a society and the power. The project is calculated for two years. Its results will be brought in October 2012. And here on another — repair of athletic fields лабытнангские United Russia party members have summed up at political council session. This year thanks to the initiative of Party members in a city it is repaired seven platforms which are actively used now by townspeople. "Strojinvestkompanija" have responded to an appeal of United Russia party members, the enterprise of housing and communal services "Yamal" "Jamaltransstroj".
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