YUriy Neelov leaves with post of the governor YAmala
YUriy Neelov leaves with post of the governor YAmalaYUriy Neelov has asked the president Dmitriya Medvedeva not to consider his(its) candidacy on post of the governor YAmala. With corresponding to statement he has emerged in the course of present-day press-conference.
February 12 was performed exactly 16 years as I rule county. This more than three periods, has noted the chapter YAmala. President to Russia have taken the principle decision on renovation of the gubernatorial body to more than three periods governors did not manage the region. So I have taken the principle decision and addressed to president of the Russian Federation that he did not consider my candidacy for the fourth period.
Сегодня на Ямале торжественно откроется Год учителя.
Сегодня, 18 февраля, в Салехарде в Окружном Центре национальных культур состоится торжественная церемония открытия Года учителя на Ямале. Участие в ней примут представители органов государственной и законодательной власти, общественности, лучшие педагогические и руководящие работники образовательных учреждений различных типов и видов, учителя-ветераны, молодые специалисты, прибывшие в ямальскую систему образования, студенты Ямальского многопрофильного колледжа – будущие педагоги и др.
Today Year of the teacher is opened on YAmale solemnly.
Today, February 18, in Saleharde in Okruzhnom Centre of the national cultures doing the solemn ceremony of the opening of the Year of the teacher on YAmale. Participation in she will take representatives an organ state and legislative authorities, public, best pedagogical and managing workmans of the educational institutions of the different types and type, teacher-veterans, young specialists, arrived in ямальскую system of the formation, students YAmaliskogo college future teachers and others
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