On "the Ski track of Russia" there were 2 thousand persons
On "the Ski track of Russia" there were 2 thousand persons In a past week-end New Urengoj has joined the All-Russia cross-country «the Ski track of Russia — 2010». In competitions has taken part 2 thousand persons.
As the city administration press-service informs, any could choose a distance, which to it on forces — from 500 metres to 10 kilometres. The ski line on the river Sede — Jaha in Northern city district became a place of competitions.
Будущее Ямала готово проявить инициативу.
Очередная окружная Школа лидера «Будущее Ямала», которая проводилась департаментом по молодёжной политике ЯНАО совместно с Ассоциацией детских и молодёжных объединений Ямала, завершила свою работу.
С 8 по 14 февраля в Тюмени на базе ДОЛ «Дружба-Ямал» участники из 12-ти муниципальных образований Ямала разрабатывали проекты подготовки молодёжного актива – муниципальных лидерских школ, конкурсов, форумов, реализация которых начнётся в ближайшее время.
The future of Yamal is ready to show the initiative.
The next district School of the leader «Future of Yamal» which was spent by department on youth policy ЯНАО together with Association of children's and youth associations of Yamal, has finished the work.
From February, 8 till February, 14th in Tyumen on base the DALE "Friendship-jamal" participants from 12 municipal unions of Yamal developed projects of preparation of a youth active – municipal schools, competitions, the forums which realisation will begin in the near future.
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