Inhabitants of Yamal are dissatisfied with the new schedule of the train Labytnangi-Moscow

Inhabitants of Yamal are dissatisfied with the new schedule of the train Labytnangi-Moscow
The Russian railroad workers will pass to the winter schedule soon. There is a lot of innovations, they concerned also the train Labytnangi-Moscow. Already now on it it is difficult to get the train ticket. It is the most demanded route at inhabitants of Salekhard, Labytnangi and the Cisural area. Those who didn't manage to buy the ticket aboard the plane and decided to save a little, this year not so pleasant surprise waited. The train which always went to convenient morning time and arrived to Moscow directly before subway opening, suddenly became night, departure 01:00 on local apply.

"At us, as always, everything becomes ass backwards" .

And it not the most rigid statement of which passengers of the train "Labytnangi — Moscow" are capable. Changes and sleepless nights, and all are coming much because trains according to the new schedule aren't joined.

Someone and at the labytnangsky station had to stay all day. For many this train appeared to get out the unique option on "Continent". And the changed schedule became an unpleasant surprise.

"Here you will make nothing. Central schedule and so on. Someone solved" .

And railroad workers solved. The state allocated with it only a third of promised compensation of the dropping-out income. As a result, they used all possible options of economy, up to reduction of unprofitable routes. Yamal in this sense was lucky. Changed only time of movement of the train. Will stand idle less.

Meanwhile, change of the schedule revolts even ordinary railroad workers. Speak, after arrival passengers, leaving the train, go in fact in anywhere, - "And here we come at night, landing and to Moscow - at night. There electric trains aren't present, movement, bus movement" stops.

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