Жители Салехарда встанут на лыжи
Жители Салехарда встанут на лыжиВ Салехарде откроется лыжная база. База уже полностью укомплектована, здесь есть все необходимое от мебели до лыжных ботинок. Для проката закуплено около 200 пар лыж. Проехаться по новой трассе можно будет и на своем спортивном инвентаре.
Inhabitants of Salekhard will rise on skis
Inhabitants of Salekhard will rise on skisThe skiing lodge will open in forthcoming days off in Salekhard. It is a long-awaited and pleasant surprise for townspeople. From the moment of occurrence of idea of creation of skiing lodge and before its realisation has passed less than four months. We will remind, in August, 2011 in administration of Salekhard the place placing of sports object was just discussed. Today it is constructed and ready to accept all interested persons.
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