In capital JANAO it is necessary to put things in order
On August, 26th, the Governor of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region Dmitry Kobylkin inspected a course of preparation of a city of Salekhard to a cold season.
The apartment house in the street Zoes Kosmodemjansky, 30 became one of the first objects of visiting. This house is included in the program of major repairs which is financed at the expense of means of district, municipal budgets and means of proprietors. According to the director of department of power Natalias Brynzy, district means for these purposes have been listed municipality in April of current year. And the contractor left on object only on August, 10th. Now on the ground floor floors in which piles without warming traces are visible in places are opened. Electric conducting hangs without fastening. For inhabitants of the house contractors haven't provided any security measures.
Governor Dmitry Kobylkin has passed an opinion the indignation of poor quality of spent works.
«We pay for it money, and municipality even check contractors can't. Here after all people live, every day on these corridors go, children have returned to Salekhard from summer vacations, to it in school since September, 1st how they will go here»? – Addressing to the head of administration of a city, the Governor has told.
The apartment house in the street Zoes Kosmodemjansky, 30 became one of the first objects of visiting. This house is included in the program of major repairs which is financed at the expense of means of district, municipal budgets and means of proprietors. According to the director of department of power Natalias Brynzy, district means for these purposes have been listed municipality in April of current year. And the contractor left on object only on August, 10th. Now on the ground floor floors in which piles without warming traces are visible in places are opened. Electric conducting hangs without fastening. For inhabitants of the house contractors haven't provided any security measures.
Governor Dmitry Kobylkin has passed an opinion the indignation of poor quality of spent works.
«We pay for it money, and municipality even check contractors can't. Here after all people live, every day on these corridors go, children have returned to Salekhard from summer vacations, to it in school since September, 1st how they will go here»? – Addressing to the head of administration of a city, the Governor has told.
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