In Tazovsky will open love Avenue
The love avenue will appear in Tazovsky area. Its opening will take place on July, 24th. The young pair which just this day will fasten the union marriage bonds, will cut a red ribbon and the first will hang up the lock symbolising that a newly-married couple "lock" the happiness, and anybody and never can destroy it.
The governor of Yamal had a site
In a network the Internet has started to work an official site of the governor of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region of Dmitry Kobylkina. To visit Internet page of the head of region it is possible to the address The site is convenient for users, on it the actual information is placed, — the press-service of the head of region informs.
On an official site the video blog of the governor is opened. Visitors can learn about Dmitry Kobylkina's meetings, its trips, decisions and impressions. Under each post in a video blog users can leave responses and comments which the head of region will look through.

On an official site the video blog of the governor is opened. Visitors can learn about Dmitry Kobylkina's meetings, its trips, decisions and impressions. Under each post in a video blog users can leave responses and comments which the head of region will look through.
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